Friday, December 19, 2014

Intel Wireless Charging Coming Soon

Intel Wireless Charging Coming Soon

Currently, the Qi wireless charging standard is the leading standard in the wireless charging industry, Intel though is trying to change that by giving their own wireless charging option. According to Kumar Chinnaswamy, the General Manager of Wireless Charging in Intel, there are a few smartphones ready to use Intel’s new wireless charging, what these devices are, we still  don’t know. Another interesting thing is that Intel’s wireless charging will also be  integrated into notebooks and tablets.
Regarding wireless charging inside laptops, the high to mid end laptops will be getting the treatment first starting at the first quarter of 2015, with the low end offerings will start 2 years after on 2017. The laptops coming with Intel’s wireless charging is said to have the Intel Core M series chips running inside.
I am assuming though that only smartphones running Intel’s own chip will dawn their very own wireless charging technology. I am only speculating this, but I believe it is a likely possibility.
More information regarding Intel’s wireless charging is currently unavailable and we still don’t know how their technology will work. It will be quite interesting to see how their rendition of wireless charging will compete with the current Qi wireless charging standard.

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